Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible

Magmorax Mythic Boss Guide

Last Updated: 3rd Jun, 2023

Raid Setup


Fight Style: Single Target fight

Recommended Setup: 2 Tanks / 4 Healers / 14 DPS

Useful Utilities: Time-Spiral (Evoker), Rescue (Evoker), Spellward (Prot Paladin), Gateway (Warlock), Lifegrip (Priest), Immunities

Video Guide

Method video boss guides brought to you by Crzypck in partnership with Kingston FURY.

Easy Mode


Explosive Magma Mechanic Icon

Explosive Magma

Every Molten Spittle cast, additionally to the 2 players getting the regular 2 Circles, one player will be affected by 1 smaller circle that needs to be soaked by the entire raid to split the damage and soak the puddle.


This is a very simple fight mechanically, but it’s a heavy dps/healing check. That being said, considering you were able to pass Rashok to get here, you should have no issues having the output numbers required to beat the boss.

First of all, create 3 groups of 4 players that will be dealing with Lava Ejection. Prioritise Ranged Healers and DPS, and mobile melees if necessary.

Players not assigned should act as backups and be ready to soak a small puddle in case you see someone is not making it in time.


mythic magmorax positioning

Start the fight at the marked position (Pool 1-3).

The entire raid should stack behind the boss. Make sure to enable BW/DBM to mark the 2 players with the large circles. On BW it will assign them with Yellow/Orange. We had Orange go to the Right side (Tank side) and Yellow to the Left.

Now assign several mobile players to heal soak Yellow/Orange. 

The reason why you need to do this is that if a player dropping the large circle is standing alone afterwards, they will solo soak an entire puddle, which will quickly get them to 20+ stacks. Given the natural course of the fight, this would eventually kill them, because you die at 40 stacks; not to mention that it's already almost impossible to heal the player if they  have close to 30 stacks early into the fight.

So, to get back to it, have approximately 4 players go to the Left (Yellow soak) and have 2-3 players (+ 2 tanks) go to the Right (Orange soak) as soon as the circle drops. We’re talking super fast, because the slower you get there, the more stacks someone else will be getting.

Everyone will always soak the small circle, except for the 1 tank who is currently tanking and 2 players who got the big circles. 

You will do this for the first 3 casts of Molten Spittle (pools).

Healer TIP: If some players have an excessive amount of Stacks early on, it's worth telling those players (max 2 per set) to skip soaking everything during the Pool 1-3 (unless the RNG circles are on them). This way you can balance out the stack distribution, so everyone is fairly even.

Pool 4-8

On Pool 4, place the 2 big circles at the markers you had from the start (Blue and Red).

mythic magmorax pool 4

The player going to the top should always go as close to the top as possible, and the player on the bottom should always get as close as possible to the top player.

The small circle you just soak normally, with everyone except for the 2 big circle players and 1 tank.

Pool 9 and 10

Here you want to use an immunity, spellward or sacrificing, as soaking this might be too much for the raid. Pool 9 is still relatively fine as a soak, but 10th should definitely be sacrificed.

Dealing with the Knockback

Several knockbacks will happen throughout the fight, however, they do not overlap with any mechanic; the only soft-overlap is the knockback into Lava Ejection. This is designed so that each group will have to deal with the overlap once. Basically, it means the group assigned to soak Lava Injection right after the Knock should make sure they do not get knocked away on that one.

The reason why I am saying this is that usually, you will have everyone first use the gateway on the knockback, then self skills (Grips / Rescue) and then Gateway again.

However, if you know your group is assigned to do Lava Ejection after, you might switch the order on how you want to deal with the knockback. A grip is slower than using a gateway for example.

Gateway Distance

mythic magmorax gateway distance

You do not need to overthink to hit the timing of using the gateway.

If you are standing next to the Gateway, just press the Gateway Stone instantly when the cast finishes, because the knock is initially very slow, so you will stay in range of the gate. Using it too early carries the risk of finishing the gate travel before the knock cast is done.

Boss Energy

The fight is designed so that you kill the boss when he is close to 100 (or exactly at 100) energy.

If the boss gains any extra energy via the puddles at any point of the fight, it's very unlikely you will kill him with this pull.

That being said, the Left and Right Circles can get very close to the boss, just not touching his legs.

The small circle however, should always be max melee range from the boss, so that everyone standing in it can still DPS the boss, but far enough so you do not clip the boss with the puddle when it initially spawns.