Meet Method: Ellesmere

Meet Method: Ellesmere

An important community element not just for Method, but players and gamers alike, is entertainment. For this installment of Meet Method, let's get to know one of the newest additions to our 24/7 Twitch channel and streaming army, Ellesmere. His Mythic+ Holy Paladin skills rival even Restoration Druids. Don't worry, this streamer comes with the full entertainment package, as his Spoiler Alert confession will later reveal. 

What he does at Method

I recently joined the Method stream team. I stream mainly Mythic+ content on our 24/7 Twitch channel.

How he acquired his skills

I started streaming a little over a year ago when I began pushing mythic keys as a Holy Paladin, while the majority of the healers in the Mythic+ scene were restoration Druids. I wanted to make a name for myself by showing players the great things Holy Paladins brought to the table. Being one of the only Holy Paladins at time helped me build engagement, teach and connect with anyone watching. The occasional awkward HUGE mistake made on stream helped as well.

What his weekly life looks like

I'm in the PST timezone, so I'm usually online anywhere between 10AM to 1AM CEST, depending on how good each week is for Mythic+. On big push weeks I play a lot, which means I am streaming all the time. For off weeks I stream much lighter hours and relax a bit for a good balance.

His perfect project

I've worked as a post production director for many years now in LA, so I love using that skill set to create videos for my stream, create guides and even hone my Twitch fail blooper reel skills in a big way. 

His main career goals

I created WingsIsUp, a Holy Paladin Mythic+ guide website. It was received so well, one of my main goals will be to expand this further. My main competitive goal will be to continue to push for top rank as Holy in Midwinter. 

The biggest mistake he made when he started streaming

A big mistake I made at the start of my streaming career was not realizing how much time I had to invest to make myself known. It's a lot of work to get your name out there and prove that you're somebody worth watching or listening to. 

How you can avoid making his mistake

Get your name out there sooner, put yourself in front of everyone. Don't be afraid to show everyone the value that you bring, regardless of what it is you are streaming. 

His downtime must do's

Generally I'm either hanging out with my girlfriend and puppy or working on upcoming projects for my job, although that has been put on hold for now due to Coronavirus. I also enjoy gaming without streaming sometimes, so I can relax and just enjoy hanging out with my friends with no pressure. 

How he tacos

I'm so basic.. but just beans cheese and lettuce.

Spoiler alert

I've played the violin for 24 years. You heard me right. I was professional for a while until I decided I wanted to do other things with my life. I started focusing more on writing orchestral music for film. During my professional time, I played in the Walt Disney Concert Hall with John Williams. 

His top 5 video game picks of all time

  • World of Warcraft
  • DOOM
  • League of Legends
  • Overwatch
  • PUBG

His most used emote

  • Phone:  ROFL Rolling on the Floor Laughing on Apple iOS 13.3
  • Twitch/Discord: Parrot parrot party parrot

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