Method Appoints a New General Manager

Method Appoints a New General Manager

Today, we are proud to announce our very own Darrie is being promoted to General Manager and will be helping to steer the Method ship to new heights. As Method continues to grow as an esports organization, the duties of our General Manager get more and more difficult, and so we're very happy that someone as talented, determined, and involved with Method as Darrie is will be in the role, taking care of the org.

Shanna has been a core part of growing Method for over the past 2 years. Starting off with managing Method social media her role quickly expanded as she took on more responsibilities and, at this point, Shanna is involved, in varying degrees, with almost everything that we do here at Method. Many of us within the team fondly refer to Shanna as the ‘Method Mom’ due to her strong character, her compassion, her deep care for all the players, and her no-nonsense approach to getting things done. All these characteristics and more make Shanna a great choice for the General Manager position. Going forward, Shanna will continue to work alongside myself, Sascha, and the great team here at Method to push our mission. 2018 has been a great year for Method, but we believe 2019 can be even better. #methodway - Scott ‘Sco’ McMillan, Method co-owner and founder.

Shanna "Darrie" Sarr was the very first full time staff member to join the team. Starting as Social Media manager, she made her presence known, made Method look far better and made community engagement a priority. From expanding our social media presence she moved on to her Communications Director role, as Method grew from less than 40 players and influencers to over 90 in just 2 years and the various teams required a lot more management. Now her role has become General Manager, where she'll be handling senior staff members and team managers, as well as continuing her work as our World of Warcraft manager and working closely with Method co-owners Sascha and Scott, looking to the future of the organization.

My journey with Method has been both personally and professionally fulfilling. It is increasingly rare in this world to be able to take a hobby and turn it into a career, and even rarer to do it alongside friends that you admire and respect. Working with Scott and Sascha to grow Method into one of the top organizations not only in the UK, but the world, is my goal for 2019 and beyond. - Shanna "Darrie" Sarr

With such talented management, staff and amazingly skilled players, Method is primed to reach even bigger heights, and we're certainly in the right hands to bring us there.

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