Method Mayhem: Team Spotlight

Method Mayhem: Team Spotlight

On the 22nd & 23rd of January, eight top-tier Rated Battleground teams from Europe will be battling it out against one another in the Method Mayhem: Battleground Showdown. 

The eight teams participating in this event are:

  1. eHEROES
  2. German Academy
  3. Speedrun
  4. Known Unknown
  5. Bigbürstovic
  6. German Heroes
  7. ghostingfarm
  8. Shame

Since there are a lot of top-tier teams participating in the Battleground Showdown, we wanted to take an inside look at each team and their history playing the game, their history playing together and their thoughts on the upcoming Method Mayhem tournament. We sat down with the captain of each RBG team to ask them the following questions:

Interviewer: Thank you for taking the time to sit down with me and answering some questions. Let’s start off with a simple question, how long have you been playing World of Warcraft?

eHEROES Team Captain Makcie: I have been playing World of Warcraft since 2006.

Speedrun Team Captain Pachy: I’ve been playing the game since 2012.

Known Unknown’s Team Captain Mync: I have been playing the game for about 11 years.

Ghosting Farm's Team Captains Chavi: I’ve been playing for roughly 12 to 13 years.

Bigburstovic's Team Captain Bubblovic: I started playing World of Warcraft at the time of TBC in 2007, but have taken a few breaks here and there since.

German Academy's Team Captain Avidance: I’ve more or less played the game seriously since Mists of Pandaria, around 10 years or so.

Shame's Team Captain Malitek: I started playing the game in Wrath of the Lich King.

German Heroes Team Captain Citney: I started playing World of Warcraft nine years ago.

Interviewer: So you all have been playing the game for a relatively long time. How long has each of your team been playing together and which team do you anticipate is your biggest competition in this tournament? 

eHEROES Team Captain Makcie: We’ve been playing together since Warlords of Draenor, but I’ve been playing RBG’s since Mists of Pandaria. Our biggest competitors in this event are most definitely ourselves.

Speedrun Team Captain Pachy: Our team has been together for only one month and our biggest competitor would have to be German Academy.

Known Unknown’s Team Captain’s Mync: The team has been playing together for about six weeks and our biggest competitor going into the event is German Academy. 

Ghosting Farm's Team Captains Chavi: We have been a team for around two to three months and we believe our biggest competition will be between Known Unknown, German Heroes, and Bigburstovic.

Bigburstovic's Team Captain Bubblovic: The core members of our team have been playing together since the first season of Mists of Pandaria. Our biggest competitor would be eHEROES because that team has been the team to beat since the beginning of RBG’s.

German Academy's Team Captain Avidance: Our team has been playing together for a few years, probably towards the end of Legion or early Battle of Azeroth. There are some new players that we have, and some old players that we don't have anymore, but with most of the team we have played together for a while. Our biggest competitor will be eHEROES.

Shame's Team Captain Malitek: Shame has been together for 3 years, but we had a lot of different players during this time but we always managed to have a good group and improve a little bit more every season... Obviously for us the best team in this tournament will be eHEROES.

German Heroes Team Captain Citney: After our last team setup crashed in the previous tournament, we decided to reform with better players. In this constellation we've played together for one month and we try to get better and better each day. Our biggest rival is ourselves because we fall over our own feet most of the time. Otherwise we will put every other team in the graveyard.

Interviewer: We’ll wrap this interview up, but before we do I have one final question… What’s your favourite BG and what map is YOUR team's map?

eHEROES Team Captain Makcie: Our favourite BG has to be Old Deepwind and our map is… Every map… We hope.

Speedrun Team Captain Pachy: My favourite map is Eye of the Storm, and we like every map apart from Silvershard Mines.

Known Unknown’s Team Captain’s Mync & Ethiq: Our favorite BG’s are Seething Shore and Temple of Kotmogu. For our map… That’s to be determined.

Ghosting Farm's Team Captains Chavi: Favourite BG is definitely Warsong Gulch and for our map Twin Peaks.

Bigburstovic's Team Captain Bubblovic: For the favourite BG it has to be Seething Shore and for our map… I would probably say Temple of Kotmogu or Battle for Gilneas because there is a lot of team fighting going on.

German Academy's Team Captain Avidance: Our Favourite BG is Warsong Gulch. Our map, right now, is probably Silvershard Mines.

Shame's Team Captain Malitek: Battle for Gilneas is my favourite BG. For OUR map I'm kind of torn between Battle for Gilneas & Temple of Kotmogu. Our teamfight is our main strength so we enjoy those two in particular.

German Heroes Team Captain Citney: My favourite BG is Warsong Gulch because I can do "big dam" on the Flag carrier and show them I have the upper hand. As for OUR map, every map is our map. 

Method would like to give a big shout out to these teams for sitting down and talking to us about the upcoming Method Mayhem: Battleground Showdown event. You can catch the event on January 22nd & 23rd at 17:00 CET at

Be sure to keep your eyes on the Method social media channels as we have more exciting updates to come!






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