Post Legion 2018 AWC Wrap Up

Post Legion 2018 AWC Wrap Up

It's officially over for the Legion Season. The AWC Summer Finals are behind us with our Method teams currently holding strong placements in the brackets: Method Orange holding 3rd Place in NA and Method Black victoriously in 1st Place for EU. Both teams proudly fought well at the 2018 Arena World Championship Summer Finals. Let's recap before going into the BFA Expansion!

If you're prepping for PvP in BFA like us, check out our VOD feat. Method's Josh "Xaryu" Lujan. Listen as Xaryu talks about PVP in Battle for Azeroth with this comprehensive review and overview on his Mage detailing what you can expect, his worries and his excitement for the upcoming features in the brand new soon to be released expansion.

Method Orange

The Legion Season has been great for our NA team, Method Orange. Typically winning in the top 3 with a 1st place win in the Spring NA Cup #2. They finish in third  place for the NA bracket with a strong chance of making it to BlizzCon 2018! 

Method Orange's team work between its members have gone above and beyond. During Chuck “Cdew” Dewland’s planned absence (congrats on the newborn) from the 2018 AWC Summer Finals, Michael “Samiyam stepped up as the role of healer with just a few weeks practice. For DPS, Richard "Mes" Campbell and Ryan "Trill" Costello came out with a Frost Death Knight/WindWalker Monk melee combo. Cdew coached the team and gave tips over the last few weeks prior to the summer finals. Even taking time off stream to help coordinate strategies for the competition. Switching classes at this level is extremely tough, but this shows the camaraderie of Method Orange. Although finishing Legion with three out of four members present, Cdew reassures he'll be back with the team for BFA Season. 

Method Black

“Predicting Method Black to win the Summer Finals was not a surprise, and one that I and many analysts made before the tournament. Expecting them to win the whole tournament while only losing five maps (three to an incredibly impressive XRB) is something else altogether. Method Black came into this tournament with a rather unique Elemental Shaman/Outlaw Rogue/Discipline Priest composition. Lead by Oscar "Whaazz" Wulff on his Outlaw Rogue and René "Swapxy" Pinkera on Elemental Shaman, Method Black easily have the best DPS players in the world. With Legion ending and Method Black at the top of the PvP world, the question is now: Who will be ready for BlizzCon and the Battle for Azeroth?”  -World of Warcraft Website

The article by Ian Faletti from the WoW Website explains the dominating power of Method Black during the Legion Season. Placing on top for most of the season EU cups. Going into the Summer Finals, they remained undefeated through the tournament! Securing both the $50,000 as well as a direct spot at the BlizzCon Arena finals!

Going into BFA, there will be a plethora of changes happening between now and the official AWC Fall Cups starting Sept 14th, 2018. As of right now, we have abilities coming back, a new META game, and stat templates kind of going away. If you want to add more haste to your Mage, you can add a little more Haste for arenas. You'll also have your trinkets available for PvP, which wasn't available in Legion. Many variables, hotfixes, and more to watch out for coming up for BFA and how our teams will adapt to those changes will be amazing to watch. Transitioning into a new expansion is always exciting! To our fellow PvPers out there, enjoy War Mode and keep an eye out for the next upcoming arenas.

To stay up to date on all the Method teams, don't forget to follow us on Twitter.

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