Serenity to stop raiding

Serenity to stop raiding

Well, some bad news for the progress race today, as we will not be seeing Serenity in the Tomb of Sargeras. After several core members quit and joined Method earlier today, the guild had some tough decisions to make and it seems they could not salvage a team to continue forward.

As was widely reported, the guild had been having roster issues for a while and this latest hit proved to be fatal, as GM Kuznam explains in his farewell announcement:

As many of you have been aware, this tuesday evening we all suffered some sad turn of events.

I'll try to keep this post as short and on-topic as possible, but I feel like I owe it to all of the fans (and haters) that I and my guild Serenity have had in the past couple of years.

When we disbanded from Method in the beginning it was to make a raiding environment of people that shared the same interest in the game and that had the same desire to be the best. At first (during HFC farm) we accomplished that. We had a group of 25 players who all had numerous WF's on the record and we were looking strong as hell going into Legion.

As things progressed during the endless HFC farm that it was, people started quitting. We lost 3 noteably worthy players in Berrek, Sonie, and later on Zaelia, which was a huge blow for us. All 3 due to IRL commitments, which is only natural.

We kept going on as a guild trying to find the right players, but it was hard and it took a lot of effort on all of us. The stability of a core roster (especially your healers) is just the key to every top guilds' success.

Anyways. Enough about our roster issues over the years. Haters are gonna say its our own fault because we have a hostile environment or whatever lame-ass-hating comment you might have, and i'm glad you feel that way, because it means we were doing something right :-)

Now, personally. I wanna thank all of the 50+ players we've had in Serenity since we formed it, I wanna thank all of the fans, the friends, the viewers, the followers on social media and our sponsors we've had, I hope you all will still follow the race, follow MY friends that I've played with for the past 2 years and I hope you'll keep being awesome, because for a guy whos competing for a world first, theres nothing sweeter than when you get a cheer on the back from you guys following the wow PvE scene.

I know as i'm writing this post and as you guys might feel on my tone this is the end of my online "career". I will officially retire from the game with a heavy heart as the goal we set out to reach never got reached (the world first), however I have so many good memories that I will cherish forever.

To end it off with, thank you to Method for the motivation you've brought since we split up, and thank you for our times back in the day before we ditched. Props to you Sco for building the brand you've always talked about - I've been in it and I wanna give a massive kudos of respect to you for not burning out.

And lastly but not least I wanna give a shoutout to the friends that I met through this WoW process, particularly Leeds, Rogerbrown (all hates about your poaching aside), Pottm, Fragnance, Mike, Ted, Bodari, Ashvael, and Zeuzonita of course.

Kuznam out

Method's own Sco and RogerBrown replied to the above heartfelt post:

Whatever your feelings were about the Serenity/Method rivalry, this is a sad day as we lose another of the top raiding guilds. This really goes to show just how difficult it is to keep a guild alive at this level of play, the amount of dedication and work it takes to not only stay at such a high level, but to stay active at all. So we say farewell to Serenity, and hope to see their players again in the race, whether it's in one of the other guilds or as a new one later down the line.

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