T20 Warm-up: ToS Heroic Progress

T20 Warm-up: ToS Heroic Progress

UPDATE - Jun 24 16:24 CET by Starym
Well, that'll be that for the ToS Heroic progress coverage, as we're 2 days away fro the main event! 178 guilds have downed Kil'jaeden so far, with 6963 having killed at least one boss in the Tomb. Next week we get to see how all the changes in the World First race, with many guilds quitting and rosters shifting, will impact the rankings. It's looking like an Exorsus vs. Method race, but it never really ends up being that simple, so we'll see you in Mythic!

UPDATE - Jun 22 21:28 CET by Starym
We have at least 14 new guilds done with ToS, with the Asian top 5 consisting of Alpha, A Stars, Style War, KeaHoarl and One Man One Chicken!

UPDATE - Jun 22 15:44 CET by Starym
The armory update has spoken and the Wowprogress rankings have s lot of new 9/9s! Trainwreck and Infinity round out the top 5 and Strawberry Puppy Kisses, Serendipity, Midwinter, CryHavoc and Invective make the top 10. Only one guild has finished ToS outside the top 10, namely Defenestrate.

UPDATE - Jun 21 21:31 CET by Starym
And here's Nurfed's World First Heroic Kil'jaeden kill video:

UPDATE - Jun 21 19:57 CET by Starym
There's been a lot of action at Avatar of Sargeras, with 17 guilds having downed him and moved on to Kil'jaeden.

UPDATE - Jun 21 19:14 CET by Starym
Exorsus join the all clear squad with one of their splits, and we now have three guilds done with Heroic Tomb of Sargeras! The tables have also been updated.

UPDATE - Jun 21 18:34 CET by Starym
We have a second Kil'jaeden kill! EU guild Libertad has finished up ToS heroic, beaten down the big red guy and gotten a glimpse of Argus.

UPDATE - Jun 21 17:41 CET by Starym
No new Kil'jaeden kills so far, but we do have some EU movement as Exorsus pop up on top on 8/9, followed by Trainwreck and Fusion who also just have big red in their crosshairs and HirePlayers with him and Avatar left.

UPDATE - Jun 21 14:44 CET by Starym
The tables have been updated with the EU kills and corrected last few US boss kills, so we're going to take a look at some of the Heroic videos, starting with Big Dumb Guild's World 14th Fallen Avatar:

Trap Run's World 5th Maiden of Vigilance:

Trap Run's World 5th Desolate Host:

UPDATE - Jun 21 14:31 CET by Starym
Meanwhile, the EU is chugging along fast, as they're up to 6/9 already with Trainwreck leading the pack, followed by Fusion, Exorsus, Nobody Cares and Dawn Vanquisher, all 4 of whom are on 4/9. Only 12 guilds have so far downed at least one boss, 9 at least 2 and 8 at least 3.

UPDATE - Jun 21 14:10 CET by Starym
And we have a World First Kil'jaeden kill and 9/9! Nurfed passed everyone else, downed the big red guy quite a while ago and are the only ones to have finished up Tomb Heroic so far (at last as far as registered kills go). Congratulations! We also have Infinity slipping into 2nd place, just ahead of Non Profit, with another 11 guilds just shy of the very end with everything up to KJ down. The rest of the 8/9 pack are: Occasional Excellence, Alacrity, Revive, Lethal, Strawberry Puppy Kisses, OBSCURE REFERENCE, Serendipity, Invective, Midwinter, CryHavoc and Big Dumb Guild.

We then have 44 guilds on 7/9, 94 on 6/9, 129 on 5/9, 96 on 4/9, 252 on 3/9, 76 on 2/9, 153 with just one boss down, and this is even with not that many EU guilds logged.

UPDATE - Jun 21 05:15 CET by Starym
Non Profit move ahead again as they down Fallen Avatar and only have Kil'jaeden left! Limit also joined the top group on 7/9 and we also have three more hopping to 6/9.

UPDATE - Jun 21 04:04 CET by Starym
Apologies for the lack of updates, but it seems KJ is still alive as Non Profit is still at the very top, jumping to 7/9 with their Desolate Host and Maiden of Vigilance WFs! We have a new entry in Deadbeat Dads joining them in second place, along with three more guilds, Na Kolesah, Reload and Trap Run, all four of which are also on 7/9!

We then have three guilds on 6/9, 5/9 and 4/9, 19 on 3/9, 7 on 2/9 and 27 on 1/9.

We've also updated the tables with the latest standings.

UPDATE - Jun 20 22:04 CET by Starym
Nothing major, but we have a new guild popping up, as Made in China are on 3/9 and push Hybrid Theory down to the 4th overall spot. We also have Velocity showing up at 2/9.

UPDATE - Jun 20 21:15 CET by Starym
The updates are starting in earnest as we have our first 5/9! Non Profit have downed Goroth, DI, Harjatan, Sisters of the Moon and Mistress Sassz'ine, apparently all World Firsts, and are, obviously, in the lead. Hybrid Theory joined Motion on 3/9 as well.

UPDATE - Jun 20 19:36 CET by Starym
We have some kills! Motion move into the front with two more bosses down, both the Demonic Inquisiton and Harjatan WF, and they're sitting comfortably at the top on 3/9! Hybrid Theory also moved up to 2/9, downing DI World 2nd.

We also took a look at Warcraft Logs and it seems Just Chill have downed Sisters of the Moon, but with no comparative tracking we can't really put them into context with the others. We'll just have to wait for their armory to update!

Normal mode has also been completely cleared, with Cute Anime Girls getting KJ down and seeing the kill cinematic.

UPDATE - Jun 20 19:36 CET by Starym
Not many updates happening, as expected, with only Hybrid Theory popping up on 1/9. Hopefully the armory gets to updating faster soon and we can get some action!

UPDATE - Jun 20 18:21 CET by Starym
And we're off! The first boss has fallen and we have two registered kills (although a lot more bosses are dead and a lot more guilds are killing stuff): Monsters Incorporated and Motion are the first to get registered kills on Goroth! We'll hang back with updating the tables for now until things start settling down.

UPDATE - Jun 20 17:14 CET by Starym
Servers have been up a while now, but may take some time to get any updates on bosses falling (and depending on how early guilds even head in to the Tomb), so stick around for day 1 of Heroic progress!


Here we are in another tier of raiding, with the Tomb of Sargeras opening today! As always, it's Heroic week fist and we'll be covering the perhaps lesser known guilds as they clear the raid, with an eye towards hints of which bosses may prove to be a stumbling block for next week's Mythic progression race. In Nighthold, it took US guilds around 24 hours to clear out all 10 bosses in Heroic, so let's see if ToS takes a bit longer, despite it being a boss short. Don't forget, it usually takes quite a while for the early Heroic kills to be registered, so don't hold your breath once servers come up. Here are the scheduled maintenance times:

Meanwhile, you can also check out our slightly revamped Mythic progress page, with a bunch of new features added, or just read up on the Nighthold race in the articles section of the page.  

World US/OC EU
Non Profit
Non Profit Corebusters
Monsters Incorporated Monsters Incorporated Trainwreck
Motion Motion Fusion
Falafel Knights
Falafel Knights Infinite Agony
5. Suicidesquad Suicidesquad Hauptsache es schmeckt

World US/OC EU
Non Profit  Non Profit  Trainwreck
Motion Motion  Fusion 
Suicidesquad Hauptsache es schmeckt
Neverlight Neverlight Libertad
5. Made in China
Made in China Exorsus


World US/OC EU
Non Profit  Non Profit  Trainwreck 
Suicidesquad Suicidesquad Fusion
Neverlight Libertad
Motion Motion  Hauptsache es schmeckt
5. The Early Shift The Early Shift  Exorsus


World US/OC EU
Non Profit  Non Profit  Fusion
Deadbeat Dads Deadbeat Dads  Trainwreck
Made in China
Made in China   Libertad
The Early Shift  The Early Shift  HirePlayers
5. Invective Invective  Openness


World US/OC EU
Non Profit Non Profit  Fusion
Deadbeat Dads  Deadbeat Dads  Trainwreck
Made in China   Made in China  Libertad
 Invective Invective  Exorsus
5. Na Kolesah Na Kolesah  HirePlayers 


World US/OC EU
Non Profit  Non Profit  Libertad
Deadbeat Dads  Deadbeat Dads   Exorsus
Na Kolesah
 Na Kolesah Fusion
Reload  Reload Trainwreck
5. Trap Run Trap Run  Openness


World US/OC EU
 Non Profit  Non Profit   Exorsus
 Deadbeat Dads  Deadbeat Dads   Libertad
 Na Kolesah Na Kolesah  Fusion
 Reload Reload  Trainwreck
5.  Trap Run Trap Run  Openness 


World US/OC EU
Infinity Libertad
No Profit  No Profit Exorsus
Occasional Excellence  Occasional Excellence Trainwreck
Alacrity Alacrity  Fusion
5. Nurfed Nurfed Openness


World US/OC EU
Nurfed Nurfed   Libertad
Libertad Infinity Exorsus
 Exorsus Strawberry Puppy Kisses Trainwreck
Trainwreck Serendipity Difficult Game
Infinity Midwinter The Factory


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