The Method Community Pack: Ny'alotha Footage for Video Creation

The Method Community Pack: Ny'alotha Footage for Video Creation

It's time for us to share something with our community and add to the overall WoW video making process! Method videos have the benefit of a lot of footage we get from our talented staff and raiders, with various angles, PoVs and so on - in fact one thing we've continuously been asked since our G'huun video is "How are you doing the camera movement?", so we found a great way to both answer that question and give back to the community, which will hopefully help out a lot of video creators.

What we'll be doing after each raid is releasing a "Method Community Pack" featuring a set of B-roll and Action Shots for each boss, including the boss voice lines. We hope to help aid the comeback of epic guild videos and with the tools we have available through key members of the creative team such as Leyst, to provide the missing link at the moment, which is getting good looking footage with no public tools available anymore.

You can find and download all of the Ny'alotha footage and audio files here.

We would love to see what you create! Tag me on Twitter @plebcentral with your guild's video and we might even retweet you on the official Method Twitter as well!

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