TipsOut's Classic Dueler's League Has Begun

TipsOut's Classic Dueler's League Has Begun

The Classic Dueler's League qualifiers begin in just over an hour (1PM EST, 7PM CEST) , hosted by TipsOut and partnered with Method. As dueling tournaments became very popular on TipsOut's stream (even peaking at over 20,000 viewers), the idea for a bigger and slightly more official event arose and the Classic Dueler's League was created. The qualifiers were already a big success and we now have many popular streamers and personalities competing, from Snutz, Ziquo, Sodapoppin, Cdew, Healingstat, Payo, Venruki and many more! The tournament has a whopping $50,000 prize pool and will span 3 stages: the qualifiers taking place over the next 4 days, a regular season in the 4 weeks after BlizzCon (November 1st) and a Championship round taking place in December.

Here is a quote on the event from the man himself, as well as some tweets about the event:

I remember hosting small dueling tournaments in front of the Warsong Gulch portal back in original Vanilla. They weren't serious or structured - just a fun way to pass the time while my friends and I waited for queues to pop. Since then, I've always loved organizing community events, and when Blizzard announced that BlizzCon 2018 would feature a playable Classic WoW Demo, I knew where my first WoW event would be held.

With the help of our amazing community, I was able to host the first ever Classic WoW Dueling tournament during the 2018 demo (The Classic Cup). The tournament was a tremendous success on all fronts and spurred a massive interest in Classic WoW dueling across the scene. It was at that point that I realized we had to take things to the next level.

The concept was simple: create a fair, community-based, competitive ladder dedicated to the 1v1 Classic dueling scene. But as the days went by, I knew we could do better. The community deserved better. And it was then that the Classic Dueler's League was born.

With its inaugural season set to kick off today, the CDL will feature open qualifiers, a fully-structured Regular Season, and a Championship finals to reward the bravest and strongest heroes in Azeroth. The league will also feature a comprehensive ruleset designed to balance the scales between the classes while preserving the unique and dynamic aspects of Classic WoW itemization. If you'd like to learn more about CDL Season 1 or even register to compete, check out the CDL's official Discord server here.
There are so many things that I want to say right now but my hands are shaking just typing this. I do want to take a moment to recognize a few individuals that helped make the Classic Dueler's League a reality; Kraun, Uhd, Stormx, Tribe, and Perplexity.

And of course, I'd like to thank for believing in my vision and partnering up to make the CDL a reality. It's an honor working beside the organization that brought us exciting events like the World First Race, and I'm looking forward to our collaboration as we head deeper into Classic!

So with that said... Classic PvPers rejoice! The great duel begins in 3... 2... 1...

Here are the groups for the qualifiers taking place over the next four days and some warmup that's been going on in Durotar:

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