Welcome Gumdrops, WoW Economy Specialist to the Method Family

Welcome Gumdrops, WoW Economy Specialist to the Method Family

We have a very special addition to the Method team, a guy that can make all of us WoW players rich and has earned over 100 million gold, the lead moderator of the WoW economy subreddit, founder of the WoW economy discord server and Support Manager for the TradeSkillMaster addon, it's Gumdrops himself! He'll be joining our streamers and influencers and making everyone in the Method community a bit richer by default. But let's let him tell us about how he got to where he is today, as one of the foremost gurus of the WoW economy:

I'm incredibly excited to join the Method family. I look forward to mentoring, tutoring and guiding the Method community to riches in World of Warcraft.

I do a lot of work and am very active in the gold-making community which started over 3 years ago. It all started when I joined the old IRC channel for TradeSkillMaster, the Auction House Addon Suite, looking for help to set up a group for my Cooking profession. I never really left and was soon helping others get started with TSM and learning how to use the addon by teaching.

This eventually led to joining the team officially as the TSM Support Manager after I took over the /r/woweconomy subreddit. This allowed me to start shepherding the community discussion and creating a space for easy access to gold-making content. Right at the end of 2016 I launched the official Discord server to accompany the reddit, which is now the de facto hub for all things gold-making. At the time of writing the subreddit has 61,000+ subscribers and Discord hosts 41,000+ members.

As any good economist would do, I identified a gap in the market on Twitch and decided to start streaming in June 2017 to focus on Auction House and TradeSkillMaster play. My stream is a gold-making coaching and tuition broadcast where I answer questions on the WoW Economy and demonstrate how to utilise TSM to its full potential.

As the saying goes, I teach you to fish instead of giving you the fish - by understanding and adopting the mindset of a gold-maker, I can help you make better decisions to make more gold!

As part of my involvement in the community, I keep everyone up-to-date with a weekly column on Wowhead.com, covering the most interesting topics, guides and discussions that have been going on in the WoW Economy community.

While I enjoy writing every week, I'm also looking forward to launching a new video series with a monthly WoW Economy & Market recap on the Method YouTube channel coming soon.

And so, let's all join in welcoming Gumdrops and thanking him in advance for making us a ton of gold and helping us understand the goings on of the WoW economy!

And, as always, stay tuned to the Method twitter for any and all news regarding new additions to our many teams, as well as general news about the organization.

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