Vengeance Demon Hunter Playstyle and Rotation Guide

Patch 10.2.5 Last Updated: 23rd Jan, 2024
Meyra Vengeance Demon Hunter Author

Playstyle & Rotation

General Single Target Rotation

  1. Use The Hunt, preferably when your target has 6 or more stacks of Frailty
  2. If talented, use Elysian Decree, preferably when your target has 6 or more stacks of Frailty
  3. Use Fiery Brand
  4. Use Soul Carver, preferably when your target has 6 or more stacks of Frailty, and you have Fiery Brand applied to the target and more than 3 seconds remaining on the debuff
  5. Use Fel Devastation when you have Fiery Brand applied to the target and more than 2 seconds remaining on the debuff
  6. Use Immolation Aura
  7. Use Soul Cleave to spend Fury when you have more than 90 Fury.
  8. Use Felblade when you have less than 80 Fury
  9. Use Sigil of Flame when you will not cap on Fury or Soul Fragments
  10. Use Fracture when you have 3 or fewer Soul Fragments, and you will not cap Fury
  11. Use Soul Cleave to spend excess Fury and Soul Fragments
  12. Use Throw Glaive as a filler or when you are not in range of your enemy


Single Target Opener with Fiery Demise/Soulcrush:

First you open with stacking Frailty up for The Hunt:

  1. If using Beacon to the Beyond start pre-casting
  2. Pre-place SoF 1 second before pull, or just as Beacon to the Beyond cast finishes
  3. Infernal strike with Metamorphosis
  4. Use Fiery Brand
  5. Use immolation Aura
  6. Use Fracture 2 times
  7. Use Soul Cleave 3 times
  8. Use The Hunt

General Cleave Rotation

  1. Use The Hunt. Try to pass through as many other targets as possible. If an enemy is not affected by the Damage over Time effect, walk through the enemy to apply it.
  2. If talented, use Elysian Decree.
  3. Use Fiery Brand on a target without the Fiery Brand debuff
  4. Use Soul Carver, preferably when your Fiery Brand has spread to more than 3 targets (with Burning Alive talented).
  5. Use Fel Devastation when you have Fiery Brand spread to at least 3 targets, and it has more than 2 seconds remaining on the debuff, or on cooldown on each alternating Fel Devastation
  6. Use immolation Aura when you will not cap on Fury or Souls
  7. Use Spirit Bomb (if talented) at 4 or more Soul Fragments, or at 3 or more Soul Fragments when in Meta, and your target is affected by Fiery Brand
  8. Use Sigil of Flame when you will not cap on Fury or Soul Fragments
  9. Use Fracture when you have 3 or fewer Soul Fragments, and you will not cap Fury
  10. Use Soul Cleave to spend excess Fury, or to build Frailty
  11. Use Felblade (if talented) as a filler when you need Fury
  12. Use Throw Glaive as a filler or when you are not in range of an enemy

Cleave Opener with Burning Alive:

First you open with applying Fiery Brand and get your core abilities on cooldown before using The Hunt:

  1. If using Beacon to the Beyond start pre-casting
  2. Pre-place SoF 1 second before pull, or just as Beacon to the Beyond cast finishes
  3. Infernal strike with Metamorphosis
  4. Use Fiery Brand
  5. Use immolation Aura
  6. Use Fracture
  7. Use Spirit Bomb
  8. Use The Hunt


Spirit Bomb

Spirit Bomb is a Soul spender that plays a bit differently than Soul Cleave, the base spender of Vengeance. When playing with it, your goal is to use Spirit Bomb at 4 or more souls, or 3 plus, during Metamorphosis. Due to the talent, Focused Cleave Spirit Bomb is only stronger than Soul Cleave at 2 or more targets unless the target is afflicted by Fiery Demise. Your general gameplay with Spirit Bomb is to track your Soul generating tools and avoid ending up with too few souls without any way to generate more souls. This means you will have to fill your globals with Soul Cleave without any souls out so that you don’t end up with a lot of downtime.


Playing around with the reworked version of Frailty is core to Vengeance in Dragonflight. You want to maintain stacks defensively for Leech and Damage Reduction and offensively to amplify your offensive cooldowns and increase your general damage.

It can also be used as a mitigation tool for large tank hits. A full Fury bar with Unrestrained Fury allows you to stack 8 stacks in short succession, granting 32% damage reduction with Soulcrush and Void Reaver.

If you do not play with Soulcrush you want to use all offensive cooldowns on cooldown, since there is no reason to stack up Frailty for more damage.

Fiery Demise

Amplifies your fire damage by 20/40% to targets affected by Fiery Brand. Combining this with Soul Carver and Fel Devastation will cause both to do significant damage. The amplification will make Spirit Bomb do a lot more damage, making it worth using over Soul Cleave despite Focused Cleave. This talent has amazing synergy with the new Aberrus tier set allowing for far higher uptime on Fiery Demise.

Fodder to the Flame

Fodder to the Flame will randomly spawn demons that approach and attack you. When killed, they will explode for Shadow damage to all enemies around them, heal you for 25% of your health and, most importantly, spawn a demon soul, which grants you 20% increased damage for 15 seconds after consuming it. Throw Glaive will deal most of the demon’s health in damage. However, it will die to passive cleave from your other abilities, so you can, most of the time, save the global and press something else. Cleaving it down will also mean your other targets will have Frailty stacks for the initial explosion.