Preservation Evoker Talents Guide

Patch 10.1.5 Last Updated: 12th Jul, 2023
Kali Preservation Evoker Author

Class Talents

Class Tree Talents: Raiding

When raiding, many of your choices will be fight dependent as Preservation has a lot of utility options that can be useful on different types of fights. For example, Time Spiral has a lot of use in a fight where the extra movement abilities for your allies can be the difference maker in keeping people alive. However, you may not take this talent every fight as it lacks usefulness in other fights.

Twin Guardian is also a potentially helpful talent if you need a 30% shield to survive a mechanic, or you are consistently using Rescue. Oppressing Roar is another utility option that can be used on fights where you need a lot of CC control. These aren’t the only examples, as many exist within the tree and you should attempt to keep an open mind when facing any encounter to what potential utility you can spec into to help your raid.

When it comes to talents you never change, there are a few to discuss. Tip the Scales is a very powerful cooldown that will allow us to cast an empower ability at max rank and without a cast time. No matter the fight or situation, we will be selecting this talent. Lush Growth and Attuned to the Dream provide us with passive healing increases. Renewing Blaze and Zephyr appear late in the tree and will generally want to be selected to give us more defensive cooldown options, the second of which can be considered a minor raid cooldown. 

Added in Patch 10.1.5 are Regenerative Magic and an updated Potent Mana talent. Pathing towards Regenerative Magic will also net you your interrupt Quell. These should be taken in most cases for maximum healing output for you and your team.

Class Tree Talents: Mythic+

In Mythic+, your talents do not change massively from raiding, you will in most cases sacrifice some throughput nodes that increase your green healing spells, as well as some utility options to increase your overall damage and CC potential. 

Similar to the raiding tree, Tip the Scales must be selected no matter what. Interrupt and damage increases will also be taken all the time. Zephyr is your next must-have talent as it provides a damage reduction effect that is extremely important. Oppressing Roar can be useful in extending the duration of crowd control effects and you will likely want to try to coordinate this ability with other members of your party, or simply use Deep Breath and its stun effect to take matters into your own hands. Evoker has a lot of crowd control abilities, including your racials, so use them frequently.

Just as we discussed with the raiding focus, most of the class tree is utility options with some throughput nodes sprinkled in. In most cases you will be changing your talent build dungeon to dungeon and depending on what classes you have in your party and what areas you can be the most useful. Evoker has a plethora of unique utility options. It has a stun, root, interrupt, enrage dispel, bleed dispel, and much more. Many of these options are incredibly useful in Mythic+, the bleed dispel specifically as no other healer possesses one. 

You should aim to swap your talents according to what dungeon you are doing and what your group needs, the talents are very self explanatory so take whatever your group lacks/needs. Only a few nodes remain set in stone. If you are curious what nodes are the most flexible that you could look to swap out depending on the dungeon, any of the following are realistically flexible: Renewing Blaze, Terror of the Skies, Aerial Mastery, Rescue, Heavy Wingbeats, Clobbering Sweep and even Bountiful Bloom in some very rare cases. In most situations however, this build covers everything you could want and you are really only missing the root effect as well as enrage dispel, which can easily be taken depending on the dungeon/weekly affixes.

Spec Talents

The spec tree has a lot of different builds that are viable in both raiding and mythic+. In raiding, you have two main build choices: one relying on Emerald Blossom and the other relying on Spiritbloom spreading through Echo. While both builds are viable, the Spiritbloom  one is reliant on having the new 2pc bonus from Aberrus. Without it, you won’t be able to play the build. Until then, you may get better results from the emerald blossom focused build, or sticking with the old tier set and playing a reversion build. 

In Mythic+ the most popular builds are quite similar with the only real differences being the selection of temporal anomaly or not. As discussed previously, temporal anomaly builds provide extra healing and extra safety, as well as the ability to get out Echos much easier.

Spec Tree Talents: Raiding

The raiding talent tree will look a bit different depending on if you are playing an emerald blossom or spiritbloom focused build.

In spiritbloom builds, you really have no flexible talent points. The single point you could consider swapping out is ouroboros. Some players may find themselves struggling to get value out of this talent and may want to consider putting it into something else like flow state or Exhilarating Burst. In Patch 10.1.5 these two talents are very close to each other and future data will provide which one is stronger. Ouroboros is definitely a very strong talent, but if you aren’t making active use of it by pressing emerald blossom from time to time, then you won’t be getting any value from it.

In Emerald Blossom builds, you’ll look to take talents such as Power Nexus in order to line up your burst healing (2x essence burst + 6 essences ready). You’ll also drop Time Lord in this build as you won’t be manually applying Echoes. Emerald Blossom builds are known to be more mana intensive, as such you could choose not to talent Temporal Anomaly, and put your remaining points before accessing the final portion of your talent tree in Exhilarating Burst. However, once you acquire Rashok’s Molten Heart, it’s advised to always take and use Temporal Anomaly and Resonating Sphere as mana won’t be a problem. Here you’ll look to generally consume the echoes applied by Resonating Sphere with Emerald Blossom.

Spec Tree Talents: Mythic+

In Mythic+, the middle of the tree, Life-Giver’s Flame and Lifeforce Mender must also be taken as they provide a very large damage increase and are one of the few points in the class tree where you are able to get talents that increase damage output.

Once you get to the last few rows of the tree, the points are quite flexible. You absolutely need to get Punctuality as it is quite strong with Golden Hour in mind, but it also allows you to path down to Stasis, the one choice node you need to take. Realistically, Temporal Artificer, Energy Loop, and Time in Need are all somewhat mediocre options.

Energy loop specifically is barely a dps increase over living flame but costs essence, making it more difficult to heal at times. Temporal Artificer is nice due to the fact it gives us more uses of our powerful cooldown, but we don’t always need this. Time of Need can be very powerful in very difficult situations, but it won’t provide much value outside of this. For these reasons, you can make an argument for any of the three talents, you just need to select one in order to path down the tree towards stasis

Looking at other flexible points, your biggest point of contention will likely be Font of Magic. The talent value is a bit skewed as you often won’t fully empower abilities in Mythic+, meaning that the extra rank is not as useful. While spiritbloom benefits a lot from the extra rank, dream breath and firebreath aren’t nearly as useful. The extra rank of firebreath doesn’t add any damage but it does give you an extra target for leaping flames. While this can seem good on paper, an extra Leaping Flames every 30 seconds isn’t that large of a dps increase. Dream breath is also frequently cast at rank 1/rank 2, so then we are back to spiritbloom being the only spell that benefits from Font of Magic.

Talent Builds

Evoker has a few different builds depending on the content you are doing. In the end, they are all relatively competitive with each other. In mythic+, there is a lot more variety, but the recommended build gives you the best balance of healing and damage.

Raiding Talent Builds

Heading into Patch 10.1.5, there are two main builds that you will be playing, Emerald Blossom and Spiritbloom. While the spiritbloom build is considered to be the best, it is reliant on having the 2-set tier bonus from Aberrus. Until then, you may be better off playing an emerald blossom build or sticking with your reversion build if you have tier from the previous raid. Once you do get access to the new 2-set, you can swap to the spiritbloom build. Keep in mind that the class section of the talent trees below can be suited to your needs as stated in the Class Tree Talents section above.

Raiding Spiritbloom


Raiding Emerald Blossom

